
Comments (6)

What do you think?

I forgor 💀

Por favor, que sejam remix do jogo original

forever first

and, no game news

E a minha banheira esta cheinha de novo

Do you wish to access file "362873 - Miami Incident"?

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October 31st, 2021
Miami - Florida, 22:00

Boyfriend and Girlfriend are invited to a party in Miami by a phonecall, but something unexpected happens while they are walking to the party... Jacket appears and tries to kill Boyfriend.

October 31st, 2021
Miami - Florida, 23:18

After the weird and deadly encounter, the couple notices that something weird is happening on Phonehom and encounter every staff dead, killed by Biker, who's done searching something on the company's PC.

November 1st, 2021
Miami - Florida, 00:05

Jacket appears out of nowhere and incapacitates(?) Biker [The body was not found at the crime scene]. He demands a rematch. Jacket was nowhere to be found when the investigation started.

End of log.

Miami's a tough place, it's the place where the Russian mafia reigns, or used to, until mysterious phone-calls started to appear. Boyfriend receives a phone-call, inviting him and Girlfriend to a party, but something stops the couple on their way to the party. find out what's up with those strange things on Hotline-Miami this mod!


@Some-Weeb : Songs & Coding, GF's sprite.
@MinhaBanheira : Thumb, media (to be added and/or made), Boyfriend's design and animator, Biker's design helper and animator.
@JasperCasper: Backgrounds of the mod (To be added and/or made).
@Gugatom : Jacket's and Biker's design, Jacket's animator and probably icons.
Manujig/Plagueworm: Jacket's voice.

#fnf #fnfmod #hotlinemiami

Cartoon Violence
Intense Fantasy Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Crass Humor
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